Sachin Doshi
我們的願景是為住客打造多元化、啟發性的空間,讓他們一同在 Weave Living 盡情享受精彩大都會,輕鬆地實現理想生活。
One price covers everything, including all utilities and high-speed Wi-Fi with no key money or guarantor fee required.
Choose from as short as one month to as long as you want with the freedom to change whenever you renew.
Enjoy stylish living with beautiful décor, customized furniture, and modern appliances.
Live in thriving neighborhoods with good shopping, transport, and local attractions.
Feel at home in our inclusive residences where renters from all nationalities, occupations, and orientations are welcome.
Move-in ready, our homes are fully furnished with design-forward furniture and appliances, and a hotel-quality bed offering exceptional comfort. Enjoy flexible leasing terms that range from short stays to as long as you like – at a price that includes all utilities, high-speed Wi-Fi, and smart TV.
24-hour security cameras offer exceptional protection. While the Weave app on your phone lets you schedule maintenance if needed. All this in a nice neighbourhood with various public transport options nearby – and numerous shops, malls, restaurants, cafés and bars within easy walking distance. Plus as a Weave resident you’ll enjoy special discounts at many local outlets.
Sachin 是Weave Living的創始人兼行政總裁,同時也是一位世界公民。他曾在香港、澳洲以及他的家鄉印度生活。
Sachin 在亞太地區房地產行業擁有近 20 年的工作經驗,並曾於APG、美林證券,花旗集團等國際機構,擔任高級投資及投資銀行領導職務。
2016 年,他入選城市土地學會(Urban Land Institute)全球房地產領域 40 位40歲以下最有影響力的人物名單,該名單在全球評選出最優秀的年輕土地使用專業人士。他熱衷於概念化、創建和擴展業務,這種熱情亦推動他於2017成立Weave Living — 只為在亞太地區實現 「人人享有無憂都市生活」的願景。自成立以來,Weave Living 發展迅速,並在少於五年的時間內擁有並管理 10 億美元的資產組合。
Sachin 以一等榮譽畢業於澳洲國立大學的工程及物理系,並獲得了大學獎章,這是授予學生「始終如一的學術卓越」的勳章。
Daisuke Noguchi 常駐東京,負責領導 Weave Living 在日本的業務。
他擁有 27 年作為投資者、資產管理人和經紀人的房地產行業經驗,至今為止在日本參與的住宅投資總價值超過 25 億美元。
Noguchi 在其傑出的職業生涯中,曾就職於安聯房地產、摩根大通資產管理、三菱商事會社、通用電氣房地產和三井住友信託銀行等全球性機構。
Noguchi 在東京早稻田大學獲得土木工程學士學位,並在倫敦經濟學院獲得區域及城市規劃碩士學位。