Our environmental, social and governance (ESG) commitments align with our vision to bring together a diverse community of global citizens to our inspiring spaces where they can thrive in a hassle-free city living environment.
We aim to integrate ESG considerations into all aspects of our business operations from property operations to our corporate office, and as such Weave has developed an ESG roadmap and policy. With a view to reduce the environmental impact of our property operations and ensure that our residents thrive, our ESG efforts are organised under three pillars:
Our ESG Objectives
Design and renovate our buildings in a manner that reduces our greenhouse gas production, energy use, water consumption, and waste production.
Operate our buildings and corporate office in a manner that limits energy use and waste.
Support the well-being of our residents by providing inspiring, well-designed spaces in which to live and a varied calendar of events.
Support the local communities surrounding our properties through community engagement initiatives involving both residents and corporate staff.
Support the well-being and development of our staff through training and development opportunities.
Create safe and quality workplaces for our staff working on-site at our residential properties following international standards for health and safety practices.
Maintain high standards of corporate governance to protect the interests of all our stakeholders.
Implement responsible investment practices to mitigate environmental and social risks and leverage opportunities in the interest of stakeholders and investment performance.
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Property Operations
We aim to

Develop and manage a portfolio of modern residential accommodation for students, professionals, and young families in prime city centre locations

Given that we own all of the properties that we operate, we are incentivised to design and manage them in such a way that promotes their long-term sustainability.

We Always

Consider the environment throughout the lifecycle of our buildings from acquisition to design to operation.

Our goal is to limit our carbon footprint and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions, noise/light pollution, waste production, and energy consumption. Our mission is to incorporate sustainable initiatives where feasible.

Areas of focus
Sustainable and Efficient Operations
Sustainable Building Certifications
Energy Saving
Energy Production
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What we are already doing
Smart meters track energy consumption in our properties.
Energy saving air-conditioners switch off automatically after residents leave the building.
Environmental due diligence is part of our investment process.


Creating communities within our residential properties was at the heart of our business model when the Weave concept was born.

Our properties are created to offer more than just accommodation; they are designed to encourage social interaction. We endeavour to ensure that our community of residents thrives and we seek to foster growth, connection, and inclusion amongst residents through our curated weekly events.

Our Engagement

Extends into the neighbourhoods in which we operate and into Hong Kong more broadly through our Corporate Social Responsibility events.
We are committed to identifying opportunities to give back to the community through charitable work and collaborations with local partners.
Areas of focus
Health and Wellbeing
Community Investment
Diversity and Inclusion
Talent Development
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What we are already doing
Collaboration with local charities, e.g., CrossRoads and ImpactHK.
Varied calendar of events for our residents, including wellness and social responsibility events.
For each of our properties, we have worked with local artists to create bespoke art murals.


As we continue to scale our business in Hong Kong and Asia Pacific, we focus on preparing for long-term success.

Our asset-heavy strategy requires that we strive for measured and sustainable growth, with an emphasis on the best outcomes for our residents, employees, and shareholders. Integral to this sustainable growth is a commitment to the highest standards of governance. Weave’s management team has defined clear controls to ensure that we act responsibly and in compliance with relevant regulations.
Areas of focus
Responsible Investment
Sustainable Suppliers
Risk Management and Corporate Governance
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